SSC IMD Physics syllabus pdf 2022

SSC IMD Syllabus for Physics download PDF, Best Book Recommendations, Study Materials.

Physics Books for competitive Exams like SSC IMD ( Indian Meteorological Department), DRDO CEPTAM, and LAB Assistant for Physics honours.

SSC IMD Syllabus Physics


Units and dimensions, SI Units, Newton’s Laws of Motion, conservation of linear and angular momentum, projectiles, rotational motion, moment of inertia, rolling motion, Newton’s Law of gravitation, Planetary motion, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary motion,
artificial satellites, Fluid motion, Bernoulli’s theorem, Surface tension, Viscosity, Elastic Constants, bending of beams, torsion of cylindrical bodies, elementary ideas of special theory of relativity.

Thermal Physics, Radiation & Sound:

Equations of state, Ideal and real gases, Dalton’s law of partial pressure. Thermometry, Zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes,
Heat engines, Maxwell’s relation, Heat Capacities, Adiabatic and Isothermal processes, Clausius-Clapeyron relation, Thermal Conductivity, Thermodynamic state variables, viz., Internal energy, Entropy, Enthalpy, Helmholtz’s free energy function, Gibb’s free
energy function. Vapour pressure, evaporation. Kinetic theory of gases, Brownian motion, Maxwell’s velocity distribution, Equipartition of energy, mean free path Vander walls’ equation of State, Liquefaction of gases. Blackbody radiation, Kirchhoff’s law,
Stephen’s law, Planck’s law. Conduction in solids.

Wave and Oscillations:

Simple harmonic motion, wave motion, superposition principle, Damped oscillations; forced oscillations and resonance; simple oscillatory systems; vibrations of rods, strings and air columns. Doppler effect; Ultrasonic; Sabine’s law of reverberation;
Recording and reproduction of sound.


Nature and propagation of light; Reflection & Refraction. Interference; diffraction; polarization of light; simple interferometers. Determination of wavelength of spectral lines, Electromagnetic spectrum. Rayleigh scattering, Raman effect, Lenses and mirrors,
combination of coaxial thin lenses, spherical and chromatic aberrations, and their corrections, Microscope, Telescope, Eyepieces and Photometry.

Electricity and Magnetism:

Electric charges, fields and potentials, Gauss’s theorem, Electrometers, Dielectrics, Magnetic properties of matter and their measurement, Elementary theory of dia, para and
ferro-magnetism, Hysteresis, Electric current and their properties, Ohm’s law, Galvanometers, Whetstone’s bridge and applications, Potentiometers, Faraday’s law of E.M. induction, self and mutual inductance and their applications, alternating currents, impedance and resonance, LCR circuit, Dynamos, motors, transformers, Peltier- Seebeck and Thomson effects and applications, electrolysis, Hall effect, Hertz experiment and electro-magnetic waves, Particle
accelerators and cyclotron.

Atomic Structure:

Electron, measurement of ‘e’ and ‘e/m’, measurement of Planck Constant, Rutherford-Bohr Atom, X-rays, Bragg’s law, Moseley’s law, Radioactivity, Alpha-Beta-Gamma
emission, Elementary ideas of nuclear structures, Fission, Fusion and Reactors, Louis de Broglie waves and Electron Microscope.


Thermo-ionic emission, diodes and triodes, p-n diodes and transistors, simple rectifier, amplifier and oscillator circuits.


Limits, Differential calculus (Differentiation), Integral calculus (Integration), Multivariable calculus (Function theory), basic concepts of differential equation, viz., types, order, degree of differential equations. Concept of Laplacian of a function.

Linear algebra:

Concept of a Vector Space, Basic concepts of linearly dependent/independent vectors. Matrix and determinant. Concepts of Eigen Value and Eigen Vectors.

Vector Algebra & calculus:

Zero Vector, Unit Vector, Position Vector, Co-initial Vector, Like and Unlike Vectors, Co-planar Vector, Collinear Vector, Equal Vector, Displacement Vector, Negative of a Vector, Vector and Scalar Quantities, Vector Formulas, Components of a Vector, Vector Addition and its Laws, Multiplication of Vectors and Scalar Quantity, Vector Algebra, Dot Product of Two Vectors, Scalar Triple Product. Basic concepts of Vector calculus, viz., Grads,
Divergence, Curl, Stokes theorem, Gauss divergence theorem.



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